We have lost another workmate. Now we are 5 down and shifts have shifted. I chose to switch to nights again for a while hoping for a change and a more positive environment.
I am overwhelmed in a lot of ways. Everyone at my job is and everyone is working so hard and missing out on family events. I haven't finished my pet portrait - I haven't had the time. My one day off was spent on a few chores and collapsing into a useless heap of adipose.
I am trying to keep positive and focused, for the sake of myself and for my coworkers.
But man I wish I could escape so badly.
I am writing this at work, go figure. I brought my dog Scribbles today and he is cuddled up on a dog bed with a pizza blanket snoozing away.
I'm gonna be okay eventually.
On the plus side, I am moving right along on the Color Cube project. I believe I am currently doodling number 32 while listening to How Fascism Works as an audiobook.
Moving right along.